BizLab - a progress assessment tool

BizLab – a quick overview:

You will be asked to answer 40 questions. Once you have completed the questionnaire you can download the report with your responses plotted as a spider diagram (or diagnostic profile) against these three key measures:

  1. Measures of Success – understand the level of engagment you have with your community.
  2. Strategic Risk - understand the challenges and opportunities you have in delivering your activities, programs, exhibitions and events.
  3. Outlook and Growth – understand the challenges and opportunities giving your organisation the ability to grow.

What will you get?

The spider diagram will allow you to easily identify the opportunities for development in your organisation. You will also receive a numerical score between 1 and 100 that indicates the overall progress of your organisation against the above measures.  The associated report provides some suggested actions and activities you can consider to help you further develop your organisation.

To get started enter your details below - this data is entirely confidential and only gathered to send the report directly to you.